Dr. Thomas Legacki D.P.M. Podiatry Medical Surgical LLC
Phone: 912-301-2880 Email: drlegackipodiatry@gmail.com
Address: 50 Berwick Blvd ste 220, Savannah, GA, 31419
Turn onto Berwick Blvd and PASS the main shopping center entrance you will see us about 100 feet down on the right.

Click this link to make appointment: https://healow.com/apps/practice/podiatry-medical-surgical-llc-25318?v=2&t=1
We recognize the importance of a patient-centered medical experience, which inspires us to create strong and long-lasting bonds with each of our patients. It’s a privilege to serve our community by providing quality medical attention through sound medical advice and responsible diagnoses and procedures.

Medical: We are experienced in the best clinical guidance of medical management and conservative care options

Surgical: We offer minimally invasive surgery options as well as more traditional open surgical approaches for podiatry surgical issues
Other Services
Orthotics, diabetic shoes, injections, diagnostic imaging, wound care, ankle and foot orthotics, custom molded foot orthotics, bracing, foot/ankle/leg pain, neuropathy, gout, chronic pain, ingrowing nail treatment, infection management, all general podiatry services.
Dr. Legacki D.P.M. Podiatry
My history includes moving around with a military family and subsequently joining the US Navy, where I served aboard the USS Nimitz CVN-68 as a forward deployed unit. I served as a nuclear operator and quality assurance supervisor. My passion in that position I quickly learned was people not machinery. After military service I completed podiatry medical and surgical training. Our team loves serving the community in this capacity and we all are focused on best patient care and practices. We specialize in patient relationships and personal history to ensure well-being and great improvements while appreciating individualized attention to everyone's unique circumstances. Please come see us with any lower extremity concerns and we will do our best to make forward progress regarding those issues including conservative care and surgery care options.
Serving the community of Coastal Georgia
Phone: 912-301-2880
Fax: 1-888-830-1576
Website: www.podiatrymedicalsurgical.com
Email: DrLegackipodiatry@gmail.com
Address: 50 Berwick Blvd, suite 220, Savannah, Georgia, 31419
We are located PAST the Main Shopping Center Stay on Berwick BLVD DO NOT TURN INTO THE MAIN SHOPPING CENTER and you will see us about 100feet on the right